Clinical Rhinology

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VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 3 ( September-December, 2011 ) > List of Articles


Otolaryngologists: How Safe They are from Skin Infections?

KJPS Puri, Jyotika Kalsy, PS Kalra

Keywords : Skin,Head and neck infections

Citation Information : Puri K, Kalsy J, Kalra P. Otolaryngologists: How Safe They are from Skin Infections?. Clin Rhinol An Int J 2011; 4 (3):136-140.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10013-1093

Published Online: 01-12-2011

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2011; The Author(s).



To highlight the early signs and symptoms of skin infections in patients coming to otolaryngology department and to learn to safeguard oneself from contagious skin problems as many of them are contagious in their early stages of evolution.

Patients and methods

Over a period of 1 year, 2,450 patients were screened for the skin problems. The patients were examined clinically by dermatologist for contagious skin diseases. Photographs were taken and necessary investigations done, like scrapings for fungus in 10% KOH under direct microscopy, pus for culture sensitivity for fungus, bacteria and virus, tzanck smear, direct examination of expressed material under microscope skin biopsy.


Out of the 2,450 patients, 182 (7.4%) patients were found to have skin diseases with high and low virulence. They were in the age range from 1 to 66 years. Around 111(60.99%) patients were females and 71(39.01%) males. It was found that maximum patients were in the age group of 20 to 40 years. Majority of the diseases were bacterial in nature in 72 (39.5%) patients, followed by superficial fungal infections in 56 (30.9%) patients, viral infections in 36 (19.7%) and arthropod infections in 18 (9.9%) patients.


Otolaryngologists are daily examining patients both in clinics and theaters which makes them more prone to acquire infections. So, the emphasis of study is to be able to diagnose, treat and safeguard oneself from these skin infections.

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