VOLUME 9 , ISSUE 2 ( May-August, 2016 ) > List of Articles
Vinish Kumar Agarwal, Mamta Goyal
Keywords : Allergic rhinitis,Complication,First-degree relatives,Paroxysmal sneezing,Swollen turbinate
Citation Information : Agarwal VK, Goyal M. Study of Predisposing Factor, Clinical Profile, and Complications of Allergic Rhinitis. Clin Rhinol An Int J 2016; 9 (2):74-76.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10013-1272
Published Online: 01-08-2016
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2016; The Author(s).
Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a global health problem that significantly alters patients’ social life and affects learning at school and work productivity. A total of 150 patients suggestive of a history of AR were included in this study. The patients underwent a thorough history, clinical examination, diagnostic nasal endoscopic evaluation, and radiological imaging. Out of 150 patients, 65% were male, whereas 35% were female ranging from age 14 to 70 years; 30% of both male and female were between 21 and 25 years; and 85% belonged to urban area, whereas 15% were rural inhabitants. The most significant complaints of patients were mainly paroxysmal sneezing, nasal obstruction, and watery nasal discharge. In the present study, 21% of patients had first-degree relatives with a complaint of AR; 72% of male patients and 75% of female patients had swollen turbinate; 59% of male patients and 62% of female patients had pale edematous nasal mucosa; 68% of male patients and 56% of female patients had granular pharyngitis; and 25% of male patients and 40% of female patients had complications of AR. Allergic rhinitis is a disease of youth that affects mostly people in the age group of 21 to 25 years, and it is paroxysmal sneezing that concerns most of the patients and brings them to hospital. About 60% of the patients have a history of contact with the AR patients. Allergic rhinitis involves nearly 600 million people all over the world. Our study suggests three cardinal signs of AR, viz., swollen turbinate, pale and edematous nasal mucosa, and granular pharyngitis. This study also signifies female preponderance for complications of AR. Agarwal VK, Goyal M, Bist SS. Study of Predisposing Factor, Clinical Profile, and Complications of Allergic Rhinitis. Clin Rhinol An Int J 2016;9(2):74-76.