Clinical Rhinology

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VOLUME 7 , ISSUE 2 ( May-August, 2014 ) > List of Articles


Proboscis Lateralis: A Rare Case

Ankit Gulati, Priya Malik, B Ghanghas

Keywords : Congenital,Anomaly,Nose,Proboscis,Lateralis

Citation Information : Gulati A, Malik P, Ghanghas B. Proboscis Lateralis: A Rare Case. Clin Rhinol An Int J 2014; 7 (2):83-86.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10013-1203

Published Online: 01-08-2014

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2014; The Author(s).


How to cite this article

Kakkar V, Sharma C, Malik P, Ghanghas B, Bishnoi S, Gulati A. Proboscis Lateralis: A Rare Case. Clin Rhinol An Int J 2014;7(2):83-86.

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