Nasoalveolar Cyst
Anuj Kumar Goel, Subhash Sylonia, Rati Goel
Keywords :
Nasoalveolar cyst,Nasal vestibule
Citation Information :
Goel AK, Sylonia S, Goel R. Nasoalveolar Cyst. Clin Rhinol An Int J 2011; 4 (3):154-156.
Published Online:
Copyright Statement:
Copyright © 2011; The Author(s).
Nasoalveolar cyst is a nonodontogenic, soft tissue cyst characterized by its extraosseous location in the nasal alar region. It is synonymous with nasolabial cyst, nasal vestibule cyst, nasal wing cyst and mucoid cyst of the nose. It also called Klestadt's cyst. In this study, we would like to highlight the clinical presentation and the radiological features of nasolabial cyst in order to assist other healthcare providers in the diagnosis and treatment of this uncommon entity.
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