A Study of External Nasal Splints used in Nasal Bone Fractures and Rhinoplasties
Sudhir Naik
Keywords :
Plaster of Paris splint,Aluminium splints,Nasal bone fractures,Rhinoplasty
Citation Information :
Naik S. A Study of External Nasal Splints used in Nasal Bone Fractures and Rhinoplasties. Clin Rhinol An Int J 2011; 4 (1):9-14.
Plaster of Paris (POP), thermoplastic splints and self-adhesive padded aluminium splints are the most common splinting methods used after reduction of fractured nasal bones and rhinoplasty. All these methods have their proponents but may have one or more disadvantages in the way of being cumbersome, time-consuming, bulky, conspicuous and expensive.
A retrospective study at KVG Medical College and Hospital, department of ENT and head and neck surgery.
94 cases of splinting done for nasal bone fractures and rhinoplasties were included in our study. POP and adhesive aluminium splints were used to stabilize the nasal framework.
Eleven cases of nondislocated nasal fractures and 10 cases of internal augmentation rhinoplasties were stabilized by aluminium nasal splints. 69 cases of displaced nasal fractures and 4 cases of external rhinoplasties were stabilized by POP splints.
POP splints give the best stabilization for nasal bone fractures as well as for rhinoplasties but are bulky and conspicuous. Aluminium nasal splints are not bulky and conspicuous but cannot be used for fractures with lacerations and external rhinoplasties.