Clinical Rhinology

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VOLUME 3 , ISSUE 2 ( May-August, 2010 ) > List of Articles


Chronic Rinosinusitis and Nasal Polyposis in Nepal

Amar Sherstha, Dej Gautam, Ojasvini

Keywords : Chronic rhinosinusitis,nasal polyps,FESS

Citation Information : Sherstha A, Gautam D, O. Chronic Rinosinusitis and Nasal Polyposis in Nepal. Clin Rhinol An Int J 2010; 3 (2):87-91.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10013-1034

Published Online: 01-08-2010

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2010; The Author(s).


Chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal polyposis is more common in the age group of 18 to 25 years. Urban population and housewives are more commonly affected. Common complains were headache and nasal blockage in 80% and 76.6% cases respectively. Polyps were common clinical finding in one third of cases. Subjective complete relief was seen in 83.3% of cases after FESS. Eight cases had minor postoperative complications

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