Citation Information :
Gupta R, Aiyer R, Pandya V, Soni G, Dhameja P, Patel M. Etiopathogenesis of Rhinosinusitis in Relation to Ethmoid Anatomy. Clin Rhinol An Int J 2010; 3 (1):17-21.
The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of anatomical variations of the ethmoid sinus in patients with rhinosinusitis. This was done to assess and evaluate the significance of the anatomical variations of the ethmoid in the genesis of inflammatory sinus disease.
Material and methods
We reviewed 50 patients with rhinosinusitis, of which 38(76%) had anatomical variations of ethmoid and the extent of mucosal disease.
Concha bullosa was found to be the most common anatomic variation and was seen in 25(50%) patients closely followed by variations in the uncinate process, paradoxically bend middle turbinate. The most commonly affected paranasal sinus was maxillary sinus (84%) followed by anterior ethmoidal sinus, posterior ethmoidal sinus, frontal sinus and sphenoid sinus in descending order.
Anatomical variations of the ethmoid sinuses are important etiological factors in the genesis of inflammatory sinus disease.